5 Valentine’s Day videos for students

Valentine’s Day breaks up the winter doldrums and gives students a chance to create heart-shaped crafts and share candy or gifts with classmates.

This year, give students some insight into the history behind the holiday. How did Valentine’s Day begin? Why do we celebrate it today? What IS love? And, most importantly: Which candy is your favorite?

Here are five videos that discuss Valentine’s Day, love, and the all-important heart:…Read More

Tips to safely navigate Valentine’s Day in your classroom

Valentine’s Day is coming up, according to this SlideShare.net presentation. Are you ready for the on-slaught of candy hearts, crushes, and cupid’s arrows? Yeah – neither are we. That’s why we put together a fun little guide for you. Discover 10 tips to navigate Valentine’s Day safely in your classroom. From avoiding the candy thing all together to appreciating what parents do for their kids, there’s plenty you can do to make Valentine’s Day 2014 the best one yet…

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